MAPFRE Seguros San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoMAPFRE Seguros San Juan



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297, Avenida Teniente César Luis González, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-250-5200
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4243797, Longitude: -66.0673866

kommentar 5

  • jose benitez

    jose benitez


    Gilbert, great guy very proactive and costumer oriented.

  • Alex Lozada

    Alex Lozada


    The Worst

  • Nadiuska Machado

    Nadiuska Machado


    My mom bought a cancer policy a couple of years ago. On the beginning on Jan 2020 she was diagnosed with stage 5 breast cancer, she place a claim to her policy and it has been a year and she still has not seeing a single check . I have been dealing with them back and forward concerning summiting everything they need. After a year she is still waiting for them to pay. I have spend a lot of time with customers service back and forward and all they do, is tell me it’s still in process. I have e mailed Sonia N Torres Rosario and at this point No one is giving me answers. My last E mail was 1/29/21 I still have not received a reply. At this point I don’t want anyone to just tell me to summit my concerns to Via private message on FB @mapfrepuertorico vía e mai. May be ask miss Sonia if she has an account under this Póliza: 5424170000241 Reclamación: 424004200123 I want this issue resolved , I would like my mother to live to be able to cash her check. At this point this situation has been so frustrating and sad that it has been a whole year and she is still waiting. I don’t recommend this company to anyone.

  • Maria De Jesus

    Maria De Jesus


    I dont recommend Mafre as your insurance company. I have them for a long time.

  • Manuel T Ortega

    Manuel T Ortega


    My auto was stolen. MAPFRE representatives were a positive, calming force. I was guided through the experience of making the claim. Representatives were considerate, patient facilitators. MAPFRE representatives muted my trauma.

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