MAPFRE Seguros San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoMAPFRE Seguros San Juan



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297, Calle Teniente César Luis González, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-250-5200
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4243797, Longitude: -66.0673866

kommentar 5

  • Heriberto Torres

    Heriberto Torres


    Nice offices with courteous and friendly people, parking availability, cafeteria, well organized, good location.

  • Maria De Jesus

    Maria De Jesus


    I dont recommend Mafre as your insurance company. I have them for a long time.

  • Manuel T Ortega

    Manuel T Ortega


    My auto was stolen. MAPFRE representatives were a positive, calming force. I was guided through the experience of making the claim. Representatives were considerate, patient facilitators. MAPFRE representatives muted my trauma.

  • Nick Cannon

    Nick Cannon


    This is the worst insurance company I have ever had the experience of dealing with. Our home flooded during Hurricane Maria and we literally lost all of our belongings. Our new kitchen was destroyed and we had major foundation damage. We filed a claim with them on our flood insurance and 130 days later they have not paid us a cent. I've sent numerous emails to them, called them, and have complained through the insurance commissioner twice and still nothing. If you are looking for insurance - I would go elsewhere. To Mapfre - don't ask for my info on this forum like you have other users. You have shown your true colors and that is that you don't care. Look up my name in your system and give me a call. I'm the only Cannon I know of on the island.

  • Roberto Mercado

    Roberto Mercado


    This is MAPFRE's headquarters and when I went it was packed. I got there by 10:40 am and got out at 7:15 pm. Friendly staff and very helpful. They keep you awake with free local coffee! The parking lot is big but is mostly for the staff. It is near a busy avenue. You should get there very early.

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