Marco's Pizza i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoMarco's Pizza



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1498 Roosvelt Avenue Plaza Caparra Local 13, Guaynabo, 00968, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-705-6340
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.410933, Longitude: -66.099795

kommentar 5

  • Dani's corner

    Dani's corner


    Best pizza ever and the service in all Marco's Pizza is incredible I love going there

  • Carlos A. González Rodea

    Carlos A. González Rodea


    Love the pizza, love the place, love the service

  • Alondra Suris

    Alondra Suris


    I've went 2 times, I've waited a lot and there's always a girl counting money on one of the cash registers and the other one doesn't even call one to ask for the order. I still haven't tried their food. Seems like a hobby of mine to be there for more than 5 min and then having to leave for bad service.

  • Billy Villegas

    Billy Villegas


    Good 🍕 and cozy place.

  • Alex Rodríguez Rodríguez

    Alex Rodríguez Rodríguez


    The pizza was great even though I think the chicken wasn't that well cooked. I hope to go back and try another specials to see how it goes. Good service too.

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