Pizza Hut i San Juan

Puerto RicoPizza Hut



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150, Calle Labra, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-3771
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4521314, Longitude: -66.07321

kommentar 5

  • es

    Rosa Martinez


    Muy buen servicio.

  • Tôn Ngô Không

    Tôn Ngô Không


    Bon rapport qualité prix, le choix des pizzas est limité (3 fines et 3 pans). Agréable surprise concernant l'entrée avec la composition de la salade, et la possibilité d'avoir les pâtes ainsi que les bananes plantain.

  • Maria Cardec

    Maria Cardec


    Pizza was not what I expected. I ordered a pepperoni cheese pizza and regular boned chicken wings. got a call back after I paid the order to notify me they were out of one of the main ingredient pepperoni, I requested then to replace it with double cheese and when the delivery person came, the order was tottaly wrong. Chicken wings came boneless and pizza single cheese. Call the store and spoke with the manager who requested to send back the pizza and the wings cause he would replace it. Seriously??? What a customer service!!!!

  • Jennifer Acevedo

    Jennifer Acevedo


    Comida excelente, todo recién hecho. El servicio no es el mejor, las meseras ni están pendiente de las mesa. Para refill de refresco hubo que llamarla y en otra ocasión ir hasta la caja a pedir q alguien me llevara más refresco. Mi compañero, no bien había terminado de comer y le llevaron la cuenta. 5 minutos después la cajera, sin ningún tacto, vino a exigirle que pagara. Siendo un lugar donde acuden tantos turistas por su ubicación, deberian mejorar el servicio y la amabilidad. Demás esta decir que no volvemos.

  • en

    Courtney Kasl


    Called and the person who answered spoke perfect English, enough to understand without any issues. Almost our whole order was wrong. The toppings were correct on half the pizza, did not order a half and half pizza, and the other half was just cheese. Ordered cheesy breadsticks but they somehow were not put on our order. Ordered Pepsi and received Diet Pepsi. The only thing that was correct was the wings and sauce. Food was delicious as always. I know this part isn’t their fault but the Pizza Hut website doesn’t recognize this location for the option to order online with the half off promotion they have going on.

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