Monti Moving & Storage i Bayamón

Puerto RicoMonti Moving & Storage



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450, Calle C, 00959, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-785-1823
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.414803, Longitude: -66.1412198

kommentar 5

  • Nelson Declet

    Nelson Declet


    After 2 months, still no show, no comunication. Not a happy camper here.

  • Alexander Cruz

    Alexander Cruz


    I moved from Puerto Rico to Illinois and on January 8 they picked up a total of nineteen items from my house most small boxes amd paintings. On March 8 after 2 months of waiting we received our belongings but on top of that they charged us an extra feed of $40.00 dollars. Some of my items came broken and damage. You may have luck if they answered the phone. Do not use this moving service you will regretted just like me.

  • Omar Carrasquillo

    Omar Carrasquillo


    It does not break down items or costs by items. Poor customer service, lack of professionalism.

  • Teresa Fernandez

    Teresa Fernandez


    I moved from Texas to Puerto Rico and had a great experience with Monti. My family used Monti back in 1986 to move from NY to Puerto Rico and would definitely continue to trust and recommend them. Only a few items broke or were damaged but I expected this to happen as it can occur even when you move your own items from from house to another. They are the most affordable and provide great service!

  • Olga Melendez

    Olga Melendez


    They pick up in December 29 in Virginia and delivered on February 11 to Purrto Rico when driver came to deliver they didn’t want to go up a small hill in the truck unless I pay 150$ I had to get a cousin that had a small truck to bring things up had a few things broken and I’m having a hard time with the insurance. They are asking me to get quotes on damages. So they say I have to take the TV to a shop and for them to say unable to repair everything that is broken is unable to repair. Everything was going good till delivery in PR. Boxes were all wet I didn’t like the way the driver handle my stuff

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