Museo del Niño de Carolina i Carolina

Puerto RicoMuseo del Niño de Carolina



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Avenida José Fidalgo Díaz, 00982, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-257-0261
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4188123, Longitude: -65.9681575

kommentar 5

  • Rodolfo Armando Barrios Quińones (Fofo)

    Rodolfo Armando Barrios Quińones (Fofo)


    We had a good time as a family and will return, with that in mind there is room for improvement…. The kids attractions were mostly good, there were a few that need repairs at the same time we felt safe since there were hand sanitizer at all stations. The Go carts were fun, the zoo was very small but well kept, now the food prices were good but having to walk out of the AC to eat was a downer. The Airplane was very informative for the kids.

  • Liz Lee

    Liz Lee


    This museum is really fantastic for kids, so great in fact that we became members. We have visited so many children's museums in other cities and can confirm that this one is engaging and has a lot to offer - inside and out. There are extra activities (pay separately) outdoors. Also, the staff is so kind and attentive, particularly in keeping the space clean and safe during COVID. One warning: Go to their website for hours of operation. We have been misguided by the hours listed here on Google Maps which have not been updated. We've disappointingly gone there to find it closed when this listing indicated it was open.

  • Mario Luis Toro Sotomayor

    Mario Luis Toro Sotomayor


    Amazing experience. Took my granddaughters 2 and 3,for first time. The petting zoo could be a little better but still enjoyed a lot. My son was impressed with the low price compared to Jax Fl. Parking is a 3 minute walk.

  • yyg AR

    yyg AR


    Pricey but fun... In US some parks are less expensive or even free and got more things. But anyway, something is something. They should make a discount package for big families, kids with special needs and such.

  • Magdalena



    I would have given it 5 stars if all the attractions were open. My kids, and I enjoyed ourselves very much. It's beautifully maintained, the staff is super helpful/friendly, and it's an inexpensive place to visit. We loved it all! I plan on going back.

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