Peritos Electricista en Puerto Rico Reparaciones y Proyectos Electricos Residenciales Comerciales e Industriales i Toa Alta

Puerto RicoPeritos Electricista en Puerto Rico Reparaciones y Proyectos Electricos Residenciales Comerciales e Industriales



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Jardin de Las Monjas, 00953, Toa Alta, Mucarabones, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-332-1800
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3926183, Longitude: -66.2269887

kommentar 4

  • Omar Quirós

    Omar Quirós


  • C Torres

    C Torres


    Professionalism and sincerity. In addition to being courteous and respectful, Omar offers a serious diagnosis and genuine options, focusing on long-term safety. Thanks to his visit I was able to verify that "handymans" are never substitutes for a good electrician and he showed me how the cheap patches that other handymans had made me, actually left my electronic equipment vulnerable. Omar gave me options, from minimal work to be calm and safe, to premium options. And considering the value of your work as an expert, the prices are very reasonable. I recommend it 100%.

  • Prof. Mario Solano, BBA MBA MAE

    Prof. Mario Solano, BBA MBA MAE


    Excellent work, punctuality, responsibility and very good price I recommend them

  • Brenda Jimenez

    Brenda Jimenez


    Excellent professionals in what they do. I recommend them. ! 👏🤩

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