Pizzao i Guayama

Puerto RicoPizzao



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Avenida Los Veteranos, 00784, Guayama, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-486-9435
internet side:
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Latitude: 17.9803472, Longitude: -66.1057167

kommentar 5

  • Damaris X Figueroa

    Damaris X Figueroa


    Muy bueno se los recomiendo

  • en

    Ivette M Rendon Velez


    My favorite part of the pizza was the amazing crust!! Fresh ingredients and excellent service. Will most definitely be going back!!

  • Alejandro Sánchez

    Alejandro Sánchez


    Great pizza place. Love that you can create your own pizzas. I recommend one with Alfredo sauce and spicy sausage

  • Leemarie Rodríguez Gómez

    Leemarie Rodríguez Gómez


    Have you ever wanted to go to a pizza place with the subway concept? Well, look no further! Pizzao is the right place to go. Ingredients are fresh and the customer service is wonderful. Good prices and the food quality is on point. If you're not in the mood for pizza, they have more items on the menu and desserts too! You won't be disappointed! Love the concept of the place and their food. :)

  • Christian Rivera

    Christian Rivera


    Pizzas are made in front of you with fresh ingredients. The flavour of the dough was really tasty. I tried the marinara, BBQ and Alfredo sauce and the Alfredo was the better of them, but marinara was awesome too. Spanish chorizo and Italian spicy sausage were the meat that I liked the most. The place was clean and pretty, overall, it is a great place for a casual great flavoured pizza.

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