PMI Puerto Rico i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoPMI Puerto Rico



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239, Puerto Rico 2, 00966, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-291-0086
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4063729, Longitude: -66.1111283

kommentar 5

  • Maya McCoy

    Maya McCoy


    I’ve worked with PMI for the last couple of years. They managed my property for me while I lived abroad. Estela was extremely helpful in placing tenants and liaising with the maintenance staff. She was always responsive, helped me make informed decisions and to get things done whether it be a CRIM issue or even dealing with Prepa. And she is genuinely a kind person who wants to help you and will care about your property. Marie was very helpful with accounting and arranging contractors to come out to the property. This year I decided to sell the property and Estela was able to be my agent for that as well. It was the most difficult situation due to the buyer, but Estela, Marie and Ismenia were all crucial in getting this deal done. They were patient and answered all of my questions, worked tirelessly and went above and beyond to get this deal done. I cannot recommend them enough for both management and sales. Thank you ladies so much!

  • Ajie Attawia

    Ajie Attawia


    Laura was awesome on my visit while looking for a place. Great service and conversation

  • Luis Morales

    Luis Morales


    I don't have much to say. But I want to thank Laura Medina for the professional treat that she always give.

  • Jeanette Rodriguez

    Jeanette Rodriguez


    Even though the process of selling my house was difficult for me. Since I was emotionally attached. My realtor Vivian Rodriguez made it easier for me. Very kind, understanding and professional.

  • Rodney Rodriguez

    Rodney Rodriguez


    Mr. Miguel Hernandez is very professional and delivered the results expected. I have worked in this industry for 22 years and the service from his company was outstanding. I highly recommend it.

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