PMI Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoPMI Puerto Rico



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33 calle Resolución, Suite 604, San Juan, 00920, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-291-0086
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.413608, Longitude: -66.0983214

kommentar 4

  • en

    Diego Espinosa


    Miguel, principal of PMI, has extensive experience in the real estate market of Puerto Rico. My experience with Miguel and PMI has been outstanding. His service focus and sound solutions for property management make PMI unmatched in the Puerto Rican market.

  • en

    Robert DeCamp


    PMI are incredible property managers! We have been working with them for about a year now and they have made our life easy and profitable. My family lives in NH which is a long ways from Puerto Rico. PMI keeps us well informed and keeps our tenants and renters happy. They are always kind enough to visit with us personally for reviews whenever we visit. I have since referred them to other friends and family. We are in the process of looking at more properties to purchase and PMI has made the process easy by showing us the inventory of properties of interest, according to our budget, along with comps, analysis of profitability, area amenities or detriments, and occupancy rates. They do it all and they do it well. A sincere 'thank you' to the staff of PMI to always adhering to our concerns in such a timely manner - you folks are really professionals!

  • David Laboy

    David Laboy


    Great service

  • en

    Louis Rios


    Professional care of properties.

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