Primo Artisan Coffee i San Juan

Puerto RicoPrimo Artisan Coffee


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66, Calle Luisa, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-204-1485
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Latitude: 18.4541261, Longitude: -66.0739198

kommentar 5

  • francisco romero

    francisco romero


    Cause Im a coffe lover. And this nice clean place did it good for me.

  • Kevin S Carroll

    Kevin S Carroll


    A hidden gem, newly opened Primo Artisan Coffee offers amazing local coffee at competitive prices. I came for lunch and a coffee and ended up ordering their Christmas wrap (a flavorful wrap filled with rice, pork and greens) which was terrific. The background music is nice and low and the air conditioning makes the space nice and comfortable. Perfect for a lunch or for a quiet place to get some work done.

  • Sharon Gibson-Tyler

    Sharon Gibson-Tyler


    Invigorating iced green matcha with coconut milk, topped with shavings of frozen matcha and fresh coconut. I'm not even a matcha fan, but this is the perfect antidote to a sticky afternoon. After trying a few dingy spots, this was a refreshing change. Modern, clean, high quality ingredients, and friendly staff. Safe neighborhood, quick walk off of Ashford. The cafe menu was robust with a variety of sandwiches and sweets. A good spot for breakfast or lunch.

  • es

    Marielly Bracero


    El cafe riquisimo, bien atentos..

  • en

    ali butt


    Very nice coffee shop absolutely great coffee I had a chicken sandwich it was just awesome I will definitely come back here

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