Puma i San Juan

Puerto RicoPuma


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Puerto Rico 17, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.3992984, Longitude: -66.0968707

kommentar 5

  • en

    stephanie Hargett


    The gas station is great! The guy at the register was super nice! Getting locked in the bathroom for about 10 mins wasn’t so great! If you stop here to pee, DO NOT lock the door from the inside!!!!!! I had to bag on the door, do a Facebook live feed asking for help, and screamed HELP! until some came down to the door. I was able to pass the key to him and he let me out! Guy in the teal shirt, you’re a hero!!!

  • Odemaris Ortiz

    Odemaris Ortiz


    No hay nada

  • es

    hector Acevedo Molina


    cerca de casa

  • Ángel Rafael FP

    Ángel Rafael FP


    Tienen una tiendita (shop express), centro de inspección y centro para cambio de aceite y filtro.

  • M. lopez

    M. lopez


    Los empleados son súper y muy educados existos

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