Puma Super7 Las Lomas i San Juan

Puerto RicoPuma Super7 Las Lomas



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1701, Avenida Jesús T. Piñero, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-706-8770
internet side: www.pumaenergy.com
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Latitude: 18.3992449, Longitude: -66.097968

kommentar 5

  • Emanuel1390



    Man i paid Elite carwash and they dint do the triple foam... it was single. Its the second time they do that. I notice because the dryer was short and one single blue color instead of pink and blue. I wont come back again. It was my favorite car wash and i always leave $5 on tips. It’s a thieve. Who ever is the owner come on man, call your guys and tell them. Disrespectful. Today 09-December 2020. 10:00am

  • K H

    K H


    This is the worst car wash I've visited. First, their kiosk to order a wash DOES NOT accept cards, even though it has the slots to accept cards. This is not the first time I've experienced this here at this car wash. Second, they didn't have the wrench to take off the antenna, but in the past they were able to take it off. So, they suggest bending the antenna to f between the door, and then soap and water enters your car. Even getting your oil changed here is inconvenient. From now on, I'm only buying gas here, no other services. p.s. Thank you, Antonio, for your quick and courteous response. I understand the situation with your machine not being able to accept cards, so thank you for explaining. Thank you for the offer of a complimentary wash. Your business provided the service, despite the frustrations I encountered that day, so no need to comp a wash. However, I appreciate the gesture. Again, thanks for your understanding and reaching out.

  • Estela Lopez de Naveira (Tita)

    Estela Lopez de Naveira (Tita)


    Great Car wash!

  • Hector Jimenez

    Hector Jimenez


    Just a gas station, but service is always great.

  • Eddie Rios (LiquidMind)

    Eddie Rios (LiquidMind)


    They say this gas is not the best but ok

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