Rent-A-Center i San Juan

Puerto RicoRent-A-Center



🕗 åbningstider

1905, Calle Loíza, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-982-0202
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4512967, Longitude: -66.0568259

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eddie Williams


    The worst rental company so far in my travels in the world and their so-called part of America Puerto Rico well they rip clients off talk bad about them after they leave in Spanish and it's just dishonest and every way what a low life bunch of staff and the front desk beware beware beware

  • en

    Erik Balaguer


    Lisette offered me excelent service

  • Walter A. Santana

    Walter A. Santana


  • Robinson Ayal

    Robinson Ayal


  • Courtney Kostelecky

    Courtney Kostelecky


    Bought a computer from them. About a month after the purchase my computer wouldn't boot up. They said there is nothing they can do i.e. won't do. i said I just want the contact information to send my computer in for warranty work- they said 'Google it.' They are friendly until you buy- then they don't care. Compré una computadora de ellos. Alrededor de un mes después de la compra mi computadora no arrancaría. Dijeron que no hay nada que puedan hacer, es decir, no lo harán. Dije que sólo quiero que la información de contacto para enviar mi computadora en el trabajo de garantía-dijo que "Google". Son amables hasta que comprar, entonces no les importa.

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