Sail San Juan Bay i San Juan

Puerto RicoSail San Juan Bay



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480, Avenida Manuel Fernández Juncos, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-667-7778
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4613168, Longitude: -66.0883678

kommentar 5

  • Victor Jones

    Victor Jones


    This was by far the best time I have had in a long time! My wife and I wanted something very relaxing and fun while we were enjoying ourselves here in beautiful San Juan, PR ! This was exactly that! From the arrival to the marina which was very straightforward and very easy to find to the time we left Captain Jo was very helpful and accommodating! Maybe 2 minutes after we set sail the bar was open! The drinks were great, and definitely fit the occasion! The local beer is awesome! A definite must-try dont think you'll leave without having another! Dont worry! The drinks are very generous and they kept them coming! The views were outstanding and some of the most beautiful I dont think you would get without this awesome ride! The captain was very knowledgeable and gave us tons of trivial info which we enjoyed so much! Also, if you would like recommendations on anywhere to eat or things to do he is the guy to ask! If I could give this 6 stars instead of 5 I would ! Great job Cap'n!

  • Montana NeImeyer

    Montana NeImeyer


    Our tour guide was very nice. Gave us a lot of recommendations as a local. He kept the communication flowing. This experience was by far worth doing. Highly recommend.

  • Faith Brown

    Faith Brown


    It was wonderful. So relaxing and the captain was super nice. I will definitely do it again.

  • Maria San

    Maria San


    The food was so tasty. The personnel very helpful and friendly. The view of the marina was tremendous. Highly recomended.

  • Carlos Colón, JD

    Carlos Colón, JD


    Unique experience! Thanks guys for making this trip a special moment for us! If you are in seek of a romantic, historical, cultural and adventurous trip, this is a must. You wont regret it.

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