San Miguel Plaza i Bayamón

Puerto RicoSan Miguel Plaza


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Calle Los Rosas, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-300-4000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3968167, Longitude: -66.146011

kommentar 5

  • Louis Alejandro (Louis)

    Louis Alejandro (Louis)


    I requested a wheelchair accessible room for my 80 year old mother when I arrived the room was not available and on top, as I had no choice I had to check out next morning ... although they still did not gave me a room where my mom could take a shower... the manager " Omayda" charged me for a additional night and I'm currently disputing this charge on my Discover Credit Card. When I called the front desk...Monica just hang the phone because ... and I quote " I'm not going to deal with you". I'm speechless... I booked this at ... I'm disgusted at this service and I hope who ever read this, Discover and do not use this hotel and or recommended.

  • Evelyn Serrano

    Evelyn Serrano


    Beautiful and peaceful place

  • Janet sanes

    Janet sanes


    Thiefs! Taking money from people without providing a service it is stealing. Your website says "24hrs front desk" but then when you call there is no answer and the manager refuses to refund the funds for services not provided. Forced to enter a star to be able to write a post.

  • Joe Hanna

    Joe Hanna


    The staff are very friendly. However, The rooms here were decorated in the early 1990s, as well as having television sets from that era, which have extremely poor television reception. This is strictly a level five economy hotel to stay in, if you're doing business in the area. Nearby transportation (an elevated railway to San Juan, as well as taxis which have to be summoned by the hotel room clerks) a nearby Dunkin Donuts, a Burger King approximately 2 blocks away, and the shopping mall across the road from the hotel (which has several fast-food restaurants within it) are convenient. As far as planning a romantic vacation here, this is not your stop at all. Of course, this is before the hurricane. It is my understanding that conditions at the hotel have worsened.

  • Dee M

    Dee M


    Clerks were friendly. However, the hotel room was dirty, Stained carpets, sofa bed stained, walls cracked. Price was too high for the hotel's appearance. no parking after 11:30. staff mentioned do not park outside is not safe. No one is there to open the gate for parking after 11:30. I do not recommend this hotel for a family. Thirty minutes after checking I left, whether they gave me my money back or not. My total was over $800. But I wasn't going to stay there for 6 days.

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