Subway i San Juan

Puerto RicoSubway



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37, Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00919, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-754-3179
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.430063, Longitude: -66.1139994

kommentar 5

  • Jesus Martinez

    Jesus Martinez


    Horrible attempt to make a breakfast and as it did not come, he gave it to me without cooking, there was no one to consume it. I try to present it nice but it was not well cooked. There was only me and I was in a hurry to finish definitively, he did it without caring about the service he is providing and that I am paying for my food.

  • Mamotar



    Service could improve. Make sure if you are going to be transactional about the service to atleast get the order notes right. Had the same order every day for a week and the price seems to vary depending on the mood of the employee. Not much parking available. Overall make sure your prices are steady and if the service is transactional to do it right. Rush or no rush service was the same.

  • Carlos Vazquez

    Carlos Vazquez


    Better customer service than the Chardon Ave. Store.

  • J Soltero

    J Soltero


    It's a sandwich. You're in. You're out. Hello. Good bye. One thing, it's freezing in there.

  • Manuel Caban

    Manuel Caban


    Funny taste on food. Always is lacking vegetables. Poor management.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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