SuperMax Old San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoSuperMax Old San Juan



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201, Calle De La Cruz, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-4839
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4653391, Longitude: -66.116186

kommentar 5

  • Mary Evelyn

    Mary Evelyn


    In and out. Convenient. Was so happy to discover a grocery/convenience store so close to our hotel, especially since it was walking distance and did not require getting into my car and losing a prime parking spot downtown. Trust me, you don't want to give up a great parking space in Old San Juan if you don't have to. Finding a free spot to park can be frustrating. SuperMax provides a great little service in the heart of everything.

  • Lawson Wright

    Lawson Wright


    For what it is and where it is and the service it provides to the community and tourists this place is essential. If you stay in old San Juan you will need groceries, toiletries and booze. This is your place.

  • Walmig Tower

    Walmig Tower


    LE DAMOS 1 ESTRELLA porque este Supermax no aplica el shopper mayor sino una simple y pequeña hojita con unos chispos de productos en especiales y por esa desgracia NO podemos obtener los buenos especiales del buen shopper lo cual los clientes y residentes muchas veces optan por ir a otro Supermax como al de Santurce para disfrutar de esos especiales. Y esto está desde hace muchos años que se hace sentir discriminado. Esto debería ser llevado a DACO. // Y en otra calificación pues 3 ESTRELLAS porque aunque no se puede conseguir más variedad de productos por su limitado espacio, sino lo que se pueda y nos resuelva, es el único en el Viejo San Juan.

  • en

    Sarah Martinez


    Wonderful choice of produce. Good wines & foreign beers. Staff is serviceable and courteous. One of my favorite store to get last minute food.

  • Mainon Schwartz

    Mainon Schwartz


    Surprisingly well-stocked for such a tiny store. By far the best grocery option in Old San Juan, this store has a small wine and liquor section, fresh produce, dry goods, refrigerator section with meats and dairy, and a freezer section. There's also freshly baked bread (the long skinny loaves) and during the day, you can buy fresh squeezed lemonade at the tiny cake stand tucked near the cashiers (totally worth it). Downsides: no parking lot, and street parking is always a challenge in OSJ. Not the brightest or cleanest either; on my last visit there was a roach underneath the bananas I picked up. I recommend sticking to produce with an outer rind that gets discarded (like bananas or oranges), or washing & scrubbing it very thoroughly.

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