The Butterfly People i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Butterfly People



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257, Calle Dr La Cruz, 00901, San Juan, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-2432
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4643182, Longitude: -66.1159646

kommentar 5

  • Kastriot Pasholli

    Kastriot Pasholli


    It's not just a butterfly shop! It's like a Temple of peace and positivity! The owners (a couple) are amazing people full of knowledge! They made me a good discount for buying more products! It's a MUST! They speak like 7 or more languages very helpful people. No photos respect the old man please!

  • en

    The Rosa


    Love the owner she was friendly. I bought a couple of frames which I absolutely love. Even if you aren't going to buy atleast have a look

  • Alicia Bibydoll

    Alicia Bibydoll


    This is a must have stop to view some beautiful artwork and stunning butterflies. I stumbled across this place in a random review two days before my trip to PR. I have a very special place in my heart for butterflies so I was thrilled to add this to my list of places to see. This was number one on my list in Old San Juan. We had a great chat and connection with the owner who was incredibly kind and warm. We ran into her and her husband, the artist, a few hours later. It's one of those moments you know you are exactly where you're supposed to be. I was so honored to have met these people that I sent then my whole story of the significance butterflies have in my life. Not long after sharing a horrific story of an F-5 tornado, I am watching my friends on television as Hurricane Maria has wrecked havoc on this beautiful island. I am sending many thoughts.

  • Stacey King

    Stacey King


    Beautiful and amazing. The owners could be described the same way! They had locked the doors an hour early to prepare for an event, but when they saw us peeking in, they unlocked it for us and let us take our time browsing. They told us about their art and themselves and both are fascinating. Even if you don't plan to buy any of the incredible pieces of art (they are quite expensive, but these are rare specimens and one of a kind pieces. I purchased a small piece--2 butterflies that were farmed from the Amazon--for $50), go visit for the serenity. It's awe-inspiring.

  • es

    gilberto rodriguez


    Vestigio and elegant

nærmeste Kunstgalleri

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