The Home Depot i Bayamón

Puerto RicoThe Home Depot



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State Rd 7, 167 Las Cumbres Ave, Bayamón, 00960, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-279-7990
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.358241, Longitude: -66.1872546

kommentar 5

  • Hugo Santiago

    Hugo Santiago


    Always good service and they never sent the Veteran's Discount as other stores do.

  • Jimmy Vega

    Jimmy Vega


    Went to Home Depot to pick up an order I placed on there website. This is an added service called curbside pickup and it works very well. I enjoy shopping for my DIY projects here because the staff is very knowledgeable. I'm going to do some interior redecorating which will include painting and ceiling fans and lights replaced. I spoke to the staff in each department and received much needed help in picking my paints and light fixtures. The staff is friendly and very knowledgeable. Never speak down to you as in another major retailer. I highly recommend Home Depot and know that you will be well served by their staff. By the way did i mention their excellent prices sorry i should have. There regular prices are better then the competition and the specials make it even better.

  • Edwin Laboy

    Edwin Laboy


    I love doing home improvement and they have everyting. Good service.

  • Bryanne Vega

    Bryanne Vega


    The store lines due the the pandemic are bearable. They move quite fast although they seem very long. Don't worry about it. Call ahead if possible to check inventory as things are going fast.

  • Carmen Martinez

    Carmen Martinez


    Everything you need, they have it! I recently bought two ceiling fans online. I went to the store, and didn't have to get out of the car. The fans were placed in the boot of my car... Nice!

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