The Spa at Condado Vanderbilt i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Spa at Condado Vanderbilt



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1055, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-6710
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.458846, Longitude: -66.076568

kommentar 5

  • Marie Young

    Marie Young


    Awesome experience. Peaceful, good service and lots of options to use for the day in the spa once you have paid for a service.

  • marilyn garcia

    marilyn garcia


    This spa place is AMAZING !!! I went their for a massage with my daughter we had a wonderful and relaxing time. This place is the best its super clean the employees are great i cant wait to go back again

  • Hector



    After treating countless others to spas over the years, my close friends treated me to the Spa at the Condado Vanderbilt. Glenda, my therapist, was nothing short of amazing. She made my first experience spectacular. Calm, soothing, clean and quiet, this spa and the folks who work here do everything to make the session wonderful. It's worth every penny and as Glenda reminded me before I left, you have to learn to receive and treat yourself well. Perfect birthday gift.

  • RonMaria Taylor

    RonMaria Taylor


    A little piece of heaven, perfect for a quiet and relaxing time. Clean and calm facilities. Excellent service. Had a great facial, complete with deep oxygen cleansing, steam, extractions, serum treatment, deep moisturizing and a relaxing neck and shoulder massage. The rooms are clean, quiet and very zen. Staff is awesome; knowledgeable and pleasant. A little pricey but worth the treat every now and then. Great location with a variety of services; perfect for a girls weekend. I recommend.

  • Chrissy Williams

    Chrissy Williams


    It was AMAZING!!! The staff has GREAT customer service and the therapist are highly skilled. My cousin and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!!! If you are in the area be sure to check it out.

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