Tribunal Administrativo ASUME i Caguas

Puerto RicoTribunal Administrativo ASUME



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Calle 1, 00727, Caguas, Caguas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-745-1270
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Latitude: 18.2246459, Longitude: -66.0395747

kommentar 5

  • Evelyn Rodriguez

    Evelyn Rodriguez


    I've been calling for several days, and they don't answer the phone. Sometimes I am more than an hour. I have pictures of the hours I'm waiting for you to answer. I have several screenshots of the screen of my cell phone with the number of Asume de Caguas and the eternal minutes or hours that I am waiting to be answered. Which has not happened because they did not answer me.

  • Octy Makto

    Octy Makto



  • manuel justinian

    manuel justinian


    Please do not speak ill of assumes ... they walk because they see others walking.

  • Maribel Rivera Pérez

    Maribel Rivera Pérez


    As long as government agencies continue to recruit incompetent personnel, insensitive to the need of minors for which they pay these public servants, continue to work with a mediocre mentality, we are not going to leave the cauldron in which we are. It is so unpleasant to see how they are given a position to serve people, they even go in groups in the corners to "hesitate" while people are waiting for the service, because their motto is, I'm not in a hurry, they pay me to be 8 hours, yes, they pay you for 8 hours of which 4 are wasting time, one for lunch and 30 for break am, pm. The worker is worthy of his salary, but some, specifically, are not worth anything. I gave him a star because he gave me no alternative to write my opinion, I would not give him any. I have communicated with the technique of my case even by email on many occasions and even that can not do, answer an email. I have to miss my work to be able to know the case that the paying parent has not spent almost two years the pension, when I go he is not there, I write to him, he does not answer, the supervisor who controls his employees, because I would be monitoring them monthly to see the case tracking. Really, I wonder how they work, there has to be a system where you can see or update who keeps paying or not. I imagine they read these opinions, what do they have to say?

  • Evelyn Talavera Talavera

    Evelyn Talavera Talavera


    Because of the situation that may be happening is that I write this opinion Andrés Velez Suares. until I understood this or was paying the supposed pension directly to the awilda perez Santiago this case number is DDI2003-1990 and nesting number 0348425. My purpose as a mother is also that Mr. Andrés Velez currently works for a company that is not based on the document sent by you. He is currently working in an insurance company. I believe that money is 5 to 6 days away, nor do they report it to avoid having to spend money for it. He also receives unemployment. I think that a person who works cannot collect unemployment, his eldest son lives in the United States. My intention with this complaint is not to continue avoiding what your daughter needs knowing that he commits this fraud or works under the table or does not work and receives unemployment I would appreciate that this case is investigated there are many needs that children need please Andres would cause me problems that for this reason I made the decision to report this case please this young woman needs this pension that she deserves, she hoped that this truth will help to fulfill the truth

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