Tropic Thunder Tours i San Juan

Puerto RicoTropic Thunder Tours



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San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-342-3538
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.454902, Longitude: -66.1019413

kommentar 5

  • Xavier Casillas

    Xavier Casillas


    My husband wanted take me for a ride on my birthday last minute....they went above and beyond to get us a reservation and take us on a tour. Luis did our reservation and I'm beyond grateful for all that he did to make my birthday special. The pilot was so nice and humble. Best experience I ever had. Thank u for an awesome birthday. ATT: Katherine and Javier

  • Dan R

    Dan R


    Awesome....My Wife and I enjoyed our tour very much. The pilot was awesome to talk to as well! Thank you

  • Junior Garcia

    Junior Garcia


    We found Tropic Thunder Tours on Google. They had great views. So we ( My wife n I) purchased the 48 mintues Tour of Puerto Rico. Luis was our Coordinator and was so helpful in explaining the 3 different helicopter tours. Jesse was our Pilot ( American ) experienced Pilot. Now Jesse really knows the island. Explain the difference areas.He showed us the caves, waterfalls, farmland, beaches, and historical areas. He took his time so we can take photos. Great experience. My wife had the best birthday gift. Definitely would do this tour , but now with my kids.This is the place, I felt safe .




    Exellent Crew and friendlly managemeny. Recomend 100%

  • Destiny Bomar

    Destiny Bomar


    The owners and staff are incredibly kind, funny and informative. They made me feel safe and care-free. My husband and I had a BLAST! 10/10 I recommend them and would do this again any day.

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