San Juan Cruise Port i San Juan

Puerto RicoSan Juan Cruise Port


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Calle Marina, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.4621221, Longitude: -66.1098152

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jerry Yan


    Great cruise port. Everything is a short walk away from the terminal. Area is very clean and safe. There is a free trolley that makes various stops in Old San Juan. It does get full very quickly so be prepared to wait for the next bus. Merchants are not very aggressive and are great to deal with. Highly recommended to be a port of call or start destination for Southern Caribbean itineraraies.

  • en

    David Fontaine


    Nice port. Clean and organized. Locals get a little carried away with trying to sell you taxi rides and tours. They can be very pushy and they get in your face

  • Anissa Hunter

    Anissa Hunter


    So beautiful, love this place... wish I had more time to look around and experience everything they have to offer.

  • Peewee Robinson

    Peewee Robinson


    Nice place to visit great view from the Caribbean Ocean. But the tour buses & public buses has crowded up the entrance of the cruise ship's entrance. But all in all it's convienent to City of Old San Juan!

  • Chuck Black

    Chuck Black


    San Juan is beautiful. PR is much more modern and populated than other Caribbean islands I've visited. Quite a few homeless near ship port. Enjoyed my short visut.

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