San Juan Land and Water Tours i San Juan

Puerto RicoSan Juan Land and Water Tours



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Capitolio Building Suite 303, San Juan, PR 00901, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-949-3542
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4643726, Longitude: -66.1065216

kommentar 5

  • Ariesa Griffin

    Ariesa Griffin


    The staff was absolutely professional. They were very knowledgeable. They followed above the COVID-19 policies. The boat was clean and the staff continued to clean throughout the tour. One of the staff also watched over my family as they swiped. Thank you for an awesome experience.

  • S K

    S K


    Jose is amazing! My group did the AfroCaribbean tour and it was beautiful. We had a great time. He is so knowledgeable, there is so much history on the island. Would definitely recommend! 😊

  • Shannon Mawson

    Shannon Mawson


    Jose is amazing !!!! Took us around to the most perfect quiet spots, local food, the beach, he was was so knowledgeable and friendly! I 100% recommend , best part of my trip hands down

  • Ketsia Joseph

    Ketsia Joseph


    Jose Cruz by far was the best tour guide ever. I’ve been to Puerto Rico before but never in this way. This time I was able to experience the real Puerto Rico. In our tour we were able to learn about the country, swim in the most beautiful waterfall, and eat with the locals. Jose Cruz was patient, informative, fun, and should us an all around good time. I will book with him 1,000 times more. This tour was the highlight of our trip.

  • Sherman Ashley

    Sherman Ashley


    Love it

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