Avis Rent-A-Car i San Juan

Puerto RicoAvis Rent-A-Car



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Isla Grande, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-993-3633
internet side: avis.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4531323, Longitude: -66.0905005

kommentar 5

  • Tabitha Theresa Escobar

    Tabitha Theresa Escobar


    What is the point of having “new” operating hours if you’re not going to be there anyways. Called two different numbers several times, no one answered. Had to ask the kind woman at the Sheraton parking garage to see where the Avis employee was, was told “she’ll be back in 15 minutes.” .... Are you clocking in & leaving the premises? Unacceptable & unprofessional. Go someplace else for better customer service.

  • L. M

    L. M


    They close at 12:00. Even if you have a reservation and come at 11:30 it’s closed, cause who cares about time .... they close whenever they feel like, and charge whatever they feel like ..... and the “boss” is the most unreasonable person ever. They may give you reservation for 200$ for a week, but when you come they will tell you - we don’t remember it’s 550$. Stay away. Go to enterprise instead

  • Ruby C

    Ruby C


    Very convenient location right across the street in the parking garage of the Sheraton Hotel and Casino and right next to the PR convention center. Very friendly and great service. Only one attendant but be patient and will be worth it. Thank you.

  • Dan Vu

    Dan Vu


    Rented a car on a Sunday morning. Fairly fast and the person helping me was very friendly!

  • Jackie Finn

    Jackie Finn


    We were very pleased with this Avis location. They handled our flat tire issue with little to no hassle. The only reason I didn’t give them a five star rating is that we didn’t get the car we requested. We ended up with a larger suv that was less accommodating for the narrow streets we traveled.

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