Hertz i San Juan

Puerto RicoHertz


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1309, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-7000
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.456397, Longitude: -66.070176

kommentar 4

  • Jessica Welz

    Jessica Welz


    The gentleman on the phone talked me through the online process and was extremely patient with me as we explained the different class of cars and ended up helping me save 50% off my original booking just my changing my location to their rental center!

  • ChingWa Chan

    ChingWa Chan


    Booked a car on Priceline the night before pick up, the car was ready to be picked up when I arrived and was clean with full tank of gas. Very convenient location with after hour drop off at the Marriott front desk.

  • Ryan Padilla

    Ryan Padilla


    First I would like to preface that this was my first time getting a rental car. I was told the daily rate would be around $30 per day for a Kia Forte. However, when I revived my receipt I was charged $163 FOR ONLY ONE DAY. That is over 5 times the amount that I was told it would be! I wish the customer service would have explained the process better as we would have avoided such high charges. Lesson learned Don’t rent a car from hertz.

  • Wilberto Rodriguez

    Wilberto Rodriguez


    as a Gold member, service is always great, instructions are clear since rental location is inside the hotel, cars are always clean, full tank, and smooth process, I used to rent at the airport location, however this location is usually cheaper, 20 dollar cab ride from SJU is worth the savings if renting a vehicle for more than 2 days, staff is always polite, they arent open 24 hours but my rental schedule has never been an issue

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