Enterprise Rent-A-Car i San Juan

Puerto RicoEnterprise Rent-A-Car



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Enterprise At Condado Plaza, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 844-794-8599
internet side: www.enterprise.com
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Latitude: 18.4606769, Longitude: -66.0806441

kommentar 5

  • Jon Burritt

    Jon Burritt


    I live in San Juan and use this specific location of Enterprise whenever I need a car. My experience has been perfect each time, and the rates are lower here than most other large rental chains in the area. My last rental car had a mechanical issue so I went back to swap it out. Not only did they upgrade me to a nicer vehicle, they charged me less than I was originally quoted for without me even asking. Super happy with the team here!

  • Colin Hagie

    Colin Hagie


    Booked a car with a 5pm pickup (which is offered online) but when I showed up, the girl at the desk told me they close at 5 and I couldn’t get my car. We go back and forth for a little and she calls someone seemingly to check if she can still rent me my car, after a few minutes the answer is still no. The reason I was given was that the lot is locked promptly at 5. Yet as I am standing there at now 5:12 still pleading my case and practically begging, the guy who JUST NOW locked the gate walks past me with the bunch of keys and hangs them up inside the office and walks back out past me, proceeds to his own car in the lot in question and drives away. Do not choose the 5pm pickup!

  • Ahaji Schreffler

    Ahaji Schreffler


    Valerie gave us wonderful customer service at the San Juan Ashford Ave Enterprise location. We walked in seeking reservation for next day. She was helpful and cheerful. We loved that the cost automatically included insurance, only $10 to pre-pay for gas, and no upcharge on using the EZ pass. Definitely recommend!

  • Laura Knoll

    Laura Knoll


    This is the best enterprise location in the whole island! Best customer service I've ever experienced from a car rental. Exceptionally Kind and friendly staff. I exclusively rent from this location now

  • Miguel Sanchez

    Miguel Sanchez


    This location is not going to come up on most Enterprise searches - I’m not sure why. I loved the experience at the Ashford Ave Enterprise because it was seamless. There was no up-selling and everything was straight to the point. It is also a location that is significantly cheaper than the Airport Enterprise. I got my 2020 Mitsubishi SUV for $270 for 9 days (without any additional protection) - meanwhile the San Juan Airport wanted to charge for almost $700 for the same time and vehicle class. I will certainly get my vehicles from here only moving forward whenever I’m back in San Juan!

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