Hertz i San Juan

Puerto RicoHertz



🕗 åbningstider

100, Calle Brumbaugh, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-5127
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.464184, Longitude: -66.112397

kommentar 5

  • Luis Quintana

    Luis Quintana


    Awful customer service and they don't respect their own system of car reservations. They gave away the car I reserved, because I went to go get my wallet on my Girlfriends car. When I got back they'd gave up my car to another person (without a reservation).

  • Brian Jansen

    Brian Jansen


    This location used to have a stand with employee's working outside (employee's plural) now; regardless of when you show up there is ONE person working. Be prepared to wait over an hour as each person in line has to wait 20-30 minutes for the ONE employee to do your paperwork and then walk half a mile and get your car. The service is extremely courteous and friendly but the wait is unacceptable. Quicker to take an uber / lyft to Avis or Enterprise.

  • Charlie Greulich

    Charlie Greulich


    Slowest service I've ever experienced. Waited an hour before cancelling my reservation and picking up from the airport.

  • Andres Francois

    Andres Francois


    Would had been nice to know they are close from 12pm to 1pm that was an hour that could be enjoy not waiting for a car.

  • Dan Bragg

    Dan Bragg


    I was worried about booking with this location because of some of the reviews, but we had a great experience! Very close to cruise port, easy check in, great car, good price, no problems. I would definitely rent from this location again.

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