Target Rent a Car - Baldorioty i San Juan

Puerto RicoTarget Rent a Car - Baldorioty



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203, Calle Pomarrosa, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-728-1447
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4480683, Longitude: -66.0590948

kommentar 5

  • Sree Sreenivasan

    Sree Sreenivasan


    A local car rental agency not connected to the Target retail stores. Better prices than the national chains. And great customer service.

  • Pilar Otero Hernandez

    Pilar Otero Hernandez


    The best in the area metro

  • Dragosh Castravet

    Dragosh Castravet


    The car was fine (it had a lot of cosmetic damage but they let us note it so that we wouldn't be blamed for it) but I was unhappy about the fees. I was charged 3 times the price of the rental due to hidden fees. This includes quoting me a different price directly to my face than what they actually charged my card less than a minute later. The price was also higher due to insurance add-ons that were not properly explained, but I understand this point due to the language differences. The process was fine but involved waiting ~45 minutes in line to return the car.

  • Eva Tormos

    Eva Tormos


    Friendly & helpful associates. Bilingual & knowledgeable of the relocation challenges. Van was clean & current. Fair prices.

  • Natalie Santana

    Natalie Santana


    My experience with them today March 17 was horrible. Even after confirming with them twice the afternoon before they had me to wait for the drop off, also they told me we are going to take you to the airport and when on site they told me you have to get a taxi at your own expense to get to the airport, even after confirming that they will be taking us twice the afternoon before. Then the lady hung up the phone cause I couldn't get to the office, they had me outside to leave the car with attendant at the outside gate. If this continues I WILL NEVER EVER RECOMMEND THIS PLACE TO ANYONE.

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