United States Post Office / Río Grande i Río Grande

Puerto RicoUnited States Post Office / Río Grande



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Carlos G. De La Noceda, 00745, Río Grande, Río Grande, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-887-2735
internet side: usps.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3801772, Longitude: -65.8334604

kommentar 5

  • Emmanuel Rivera

    Emmanuel Rivera


    Rude. Bad manners.

  • Nayarit M. Rivera

    Nayarit M. Rivera


    They do not pick the phone!

  • Ismael Ribot

    Ismael Ribot


    UPS will not deliver to my home address. I buy stuff from Amazon all the time. As we all now know, we can't choose the carrier when we buy from Amazon. So I was forced to use my work address (with my boss consent of course). My packages arrived fine with the exception of the ones delivered by this branch of USPS. My boss informed me of the constant attitude and apparent discomfort of the USPS employee to deliver my packages. First he wrote on my mail "wrong address FIX IT" and when I explained Amazon didn't give me an option of choosing my carrier and thats why I used the physical address; then it swiched, it was more like "this is personal mail, you're not supposed to use this address" ! What am I to do!?

  • Jose Moya

    Jose Moya


    Great post office very fast and friendly service

  • Crypto Sailor

    Crypto Sailor


    Excellent customer service with dedicated employees.

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