United States Post Office - Vega Baja i Vega Baja

Puerto RicoUnited States Post Office - Vega Baja



🕗 åbningstider

A10, Calle 2, 00693, Vega Baja, Cabo Caribe, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-858-2710
internet side: es-tools.usps.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4472459, Longitude: -66.3857594

kommentar 5

  • Raquel López

    Raquel López


    It is always very crowded, there is no organization or protocol against covid, they allow the agglomeration of people inside, and the line is very slow.

  • Omayra



    Costumer service is so bad! The Guy at from desk need be thoughtful and solve problems! Manager your employees need to embrace these mantras: Be humble, Be helpfu, Be friendly, Be knowledgeable Be thoughtful, Be useful !!!!

  • Japhet Ortiz

    Japhet Ortiz


    great post office great service love it hope to come again and send more mail is a 5 star rating

  • Lynnette Tirado

    Lynnette Tirado


    One of my childhood memories comes from U.S.P.S. Daily errands with the family back then. One of our local postal offices in Vega Baja! 🕉

  • Jackie Harrison

    Jackie Harrison


    Not happy three weeks my family member waiting for a certified mail thats very important got an email on Sat Nov 4 she will receive it and still did not get it ridiculous. Why charge fee for certified mail when you provide it as regular mail service its not treated as priority or certified UNACCEPTABLE.

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