United States Postal Service i Vega Alta

Puerto RicoUnited States Postal Service



🕗 åbningstider

100, Puerto Rico 2, 00692, Vega Alta, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
internet side: tools.usps.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.414588, Longitude: -66.329452

kommentar 5

  • ELB



    Vega Alta Usps postal service is doing an horrible Job.

  • Ivan Otero

    Ivan Otero


    Very helpful starting with your Manager and your employees Very Fast and Efficient I do not give more stars because you can not, successes.

  • Japhet Ortiz

    Japhet Ortiz


    USPS Great service great people love it is a great place to admire and have you're mail send or buy stamps is a 5 star rating

  • Melvin Diaz

    Melvin Diaz


    They should change the schedule to 9 am-6pm. The vast majority of people in the unfortunate working class cannot go to collect / deposit their correspondence or have to take the mega trip to Plaza las Americas in order to do their errands.

  • julio flores

    julio flores


    Very organized

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