United States Postal Service i Bayamón

Puerto RicoUnited States Postal Service



🕗 åbningstider

100 Ave Ramon L Rodriguez, Bayamón, 00959, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
internet side: tools.usps.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3930797, Longitude: -66.1564673

kommentar 2

  • Bebo Elprinci

    Bebo Elprinci


    First this Bayamon Branch Never answer the phone.. the Victory's facility answers at the first ring.My complaint... There's a new mail man in the 00956 area that should be more efficient... I don't understand how is possible that careless people can work with very sensitive information and packages. In according to a report the mail man delivered a package that was returned by the receiver and he delivered AGAIN to the same person in the same moment !! a wrong address in the same street.... (I bet he never saw the sticker with the info, maybe he's blind or don't know how to read) and then when I claimed my package (in person at the Bayamon Branch) the supervisor said that the sender company made a mistake in the address... bull**** .. I bet that they (usps) rewrite the holly address WRONG, with a black sharpie (like always) and then processed all wrong and they have the courage to say that the mistake wasn't by upsps. I also checked with the vendors and they said that they never made a mistake because they worked with the same data info in stickers always the same process. I also checked with the nearest neighbors about mailbox delivers and their been having issues with many deliveries and I figured out that they also have many complaints and they told me that the mail man is new.... and blind I think...What now ? How is possible?? should work effectively! Work wrong has consequences.

  • en

    Reinaldo Mendez


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