U.S. Tactical Armory i San Juan

Puerto RicoU.S. Tactical Armory



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274A Jesus T. Pinero Ave, San Juan, PR 00927
kontakter telefon: +1 787-767-0887
internet side: us-tactical-armory.business.site
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Latitude: 18.407163, Longitude: -66.064653

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edwin Fontanez


    Call to ask a question. The person that answered said that he cant answer me because the store is full, and that i should just drop by ans figure it out.

  • Lydda Torres

    Lydda Torres


    Great customer service. Will be back!

  • en

    Jesus Vazquez


    Excellent service; good inventory; good price.

  • en

    Jose L. Ubinas


    Good people, know well that business. Excellent inventory of arms and good prices. all who works there are gun enthusiast starting by the owner who have many trophies in IPSC, so he knows what is good and that is what he buy. Go in the morning due to small parking, just 2 or 3 in front of the door.

  • en

    Jose santiago


    They have a great variety of firearms and ammunition but a lot of their products are overpriced. And though the service isn't bad the way they treat you depends on the day. They also listed on a recent email the MSRP of the Kel-tec KSG to be $999 - $1299 when the actual MSRP listed on the Kel-tec website is $990.

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