Bella Flor i San Juan

Puerto RicoBella Flor



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#574, Avenida Teniente César Luis González, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-296-5757
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4112361, Longitude: -66.0655963

kommentar 5

  • Monica Serrano

    Monica Serrano


    These people came through in one of our darkest hours. We arrived to the island on Thursday for my grandmother's funeral and made arrangements for her services on the next day, Friday. The florist from the funeral home was obviously trying to take advantage of the short time frame and was charging ridiculous amounts for mediocre arrangements. Quick search online got me through to the fine people at Bella Flor. It was after hours already and they were closed but thy still answered some questions. Next morning we headed to them to place our order. Got there about 9AM, drove the poor girl there crazy with all our back and forth but eventually ordered 8 arrangements including the casket cover. All the arrangements were not only beautiful but delivered early to the funeral home and set up by our 2PM start time. Their pricing was very fair, the customer service excellent and their work beautiful!

  • Diana Martinez

    Diana Martinez


    Bad service they charge me for an arrangement and I call and they want to charge me again for something that already pays bad service I will not buy again

  • vanessa cassinni

    vanessa cassinni


    The best ! I loved the Mother's Day Flower Arrangements for my mom! Thank you ❤️

  • moraima fraguada

    moraima fraguada


    The flowers were very beautiful, we bought a crown and it was very beautiful and elegant .. but .. I spent 4 days asking for the purchase receipt and they NEVER sent it to me. The entire transaction was made by phone and until the invoice from the CC arrives we do not know how much they charged us. Nothing more for that, I will not order any other arrangement.

  • Serrano Cleaning Services Tampa Bay

    Serrano Cleaning Services Tampa Bay


    Excellent service, especially today Sunday. What's more, when I made my order by phone from Zephyrhills, Florida. The attention was always great and of high quality. They called me several times and I am very satisfied. Just seeing the smiles, the amazed face and the tears was enough to know that you had managed to meet my goal, to surprise my wife, my mother-in-law and my mother this afternoon. Thank you all.

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