Sun Flowers PR / The Flower Truck Co. i San Juan

Puerto RicoSun Flowers PR / The Flower Truck Co.



🕗 åbningstider

22, Avenida Winston Churchill, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-394-9855
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3702489, Longitude: -66.0669314

kommentar 5

  • Juan D. Rosas Rivera

    Juan D. Rosas Rivera


    Super friendly and eager to serve the clientele. Beautiful arrangements and at really attractive prices! I recommend them! They are anniversary!

  • elvin jose cotto

    elvin jose cotto


    You got to check this flower truck out. Go to their Instagram account. Friendly service and worker's.they now there stuff

  • Gabriel Khoury

    Gabriel Khoury


    Very lovely people! They know their stuff and have really beautiful flowers! Totally recommend them for gifts or even a little something for yourself to lighten up you living space.

  • Yalitza Lucena

    Yalitza Lucena


    The flowers on this site are beautiful !!! Reasonable prices. They are delivered to you wrapped in a very beautiful way. Very nice team.

  • Jesus Castillo

    Jesus Castillo


    Good service and very attentive to the client.

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