Edible Arrangements i San Juan

Puerto RicoEdible Arrangements



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1790, Avenida Lomas Verdes, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-756-2323
internet side: www.ediblearrangements.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.375017, Longitude: -66.089038

kommentar 5

  • Giovanna Benitez

    Giovanna Benitez


    Beautiful arrangement! Thanks. I placed my order online and called to confirm. They followed the instructions . Great service!

  • Angelique Adjutant

    Angelique Adjutant


    The most horrible customer service I have ever experienced in all of Puerto Rico. From the lying and nasty employees who actually slammed the phone down on me when I called to complain, to the 28 hour delivery delay. The so-called manager is never around. No wonder they're so disgusting. This store should either fire its entire staff or shut down. They're no good.

  • Gabriela Rios

    Gabriela Rios


    DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS PLACE! Worst customer service in history!!!! Ordered my mom a birthday gift and understandibly it could not be delivered on the day because of a tropical storm. They called me the day before to see if I could pick it up that day or to be delivered the day after the storm. I dont live in PR so I called my brother to go pick it up and at 11am the store was already closed after they told me I could go and pick it up that day. I called and called the day after the storm and no answer. They finally answered 2 days after and as soon as I started talking they put me on hold. Another lady came to the phone and put me on hold again without letting me know. I waited for 20min to see if someone would pick up the phone again and nothing. Called back all day and nothing. I have no idea what happened with my money and it’s been 3 days since my mom’s birthday and she hasn’t received anything. I will NEVER buy anything here again. Please don’t make the same mistake I did!

  • Michael Robinson

    Michael Robinson


    Third experience using this location, usually goes without a hitch and the order is always ready. this St. Valentine’s day i picked up my order and was missing an item. when i called they made arrangements to have it delivered to Old San Juan so i didn’t have to drive back. Have used multiple times and will continue using them. Great service clearly as they are always busy.

  • Pat Kuschman

    Pat Kuschman


    The Edible Arrangements staff was so helpful and accommodating! Cathy was so sweet to make a special order for my son who is allergic to certain fruits. Their quick delivery to a local hotel was so appreciated! Everything was great with my Edible Arrangements experience! 👍🏼

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