D'Flor Flowers Boutique i San Juan

Puerto RicoD'Flor Flowers Boutique



🕗 åbningstider

Carr 8177, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-783-1989
internet side: www.puertoricolocalflorist.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.379573, Longitude: -66.100233

kommentar 5

  • en

    vicky than


    My Valentines was ruined because of D'flor... Do not use this florist

  • chachi2579



    This place is absolutely worthless. I placed an order prior to Valentines day which was guaranteed to be delivered on Vday. First the flowers never came. Second I called them throughout the day over 20x they never answered once. I emailed them 4x they never wrote back. Finally at 5pm I called the store next to them and luckily the women was nice enough to walk over and get the manager on the phone. He said he was going to call me back in 15 min with resolution which never happened. Some girl called me back and said she found my order. I asked what happened and she had no clue other than they are busy today and if I still want my order they will still send it out. Meanwhile I had already told my girlfriend what happened because she had no Vday gift, at this point the surprise was spoiled and so was Vday. If I could rate this dump in the negative I would. Do not trust your significant other or anyone else by that means with flowers from this useless place.

  • Edwin G. De Jesus Cruz

    Edwin G. De Jesus Cruz


    This place blew me away. I made an order two days before Valentine's day and - despite the high volume of calls and orders they were getting - my girlfriend just got the flower arrangement! And super on time! If you need a present for that special someone in your life, this place is an excellent option to go with. (Thanks so much!)

  • Nataly Montes

    Nataly Montes


    The service is excellent!! I had to change the delivery address last minute and they were very nice and the flowers were delivered quickly even with the change. Very pleased and the flower arrangement was beautiful!!

  • Iris Parra

    Iris Parra


    The best florist in San Juan. I called and placed an order and they delivered the next day! The staff was helpful and very pleasant. If your looking to send flower to someone in PR call D'Flor Flowers Boutique you and your loved ones wont be disappointed! Oh and they speak English in case your Spanish is rusty ;) Thank you D'Flor Flowers Boutique!

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