Cinderella's Florist i San Juan

Puerto RicoCinderella's Florist



🕗 åbningstider

26, Avenida Luis Muñoz Rivera, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-754-6248
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4172692, Longitude: -66.0575737

kommentar 5

  • Raymond Lugo

    Raymond Lugo


    This is gonna be kinda long! I went to this business guided by GPS, I got to it and it was kinda hidden inside (between) 2 buildings. I didn't managed to find it once I parked so I called the number (which they answered by some miracle judging by the other reviews here 😂) and a lady answered and I told her that I was looking for the store but couldn't find it, so she told me to wait for her right were I was, that she'll come to me. Well, 10 minutes passed and no one showed up. At this point I started wondering around to see if I could find it on my own and after walking around I found it, guess what? It was closed, no one in sight and no one called me back...i went to other place to get my flowers. Do I recommend this place? Are you kidding me?? Stay off! You've been warned! LoL (I'm actually angry 😡)

  • Nizar Rhapsody

    Nizar Rhapsody


    no one ever answers the phone, I had to ruin the surprise and ask my girl if she received anything and she didn't. now I can't get hold of anyone to get a refund on my order. I don't recommend using any online florist until you call them and make sure they answer the phone.

  • Kat X

    Kat X


    Ordered a beautiful bouquet for Mother's Day and was very pleased with the product and the service. Very amicable people offering a great service. Recommend 100%

  • Angelica Bermudez

    Angelica Bermudez


    The owner had Great service skills and my sister was happy all that matters 😃 so I’m satisfieds.

  • Zulma Santiago

    Zulma Santiago


    Really nice and pleasant atmosphere, this people do love flowers and make really detailed bouquets, even strguling with Island Power problem they find the way.

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