VRM Companies i San Juan

Puerto RicoVRM Companies



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Urb. Puerto Nuevo 322 Ave de Diego Suite 301, San Juan, 00920, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-781-0025
internet side: www.vrmcompanies.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4144453, Longitude: -66.0892688

kommentar 2

  • es

    osvaldo Meléndez


    Cierre d casa.

  • ricardo rodriguez

    ricardo rodriguez


    VRM Companies is a market leading development and home building enterprise that has been in business since the 1980's when partners José A. Valdés, Ceci Montilla-Rojo and Miguel A. Martínez founded it. VRM is considered the largest developer in the Caribbean, and besides having developed over 50 single family and multi-family communities in Puerto Rico, VRM has developed both residential and commercial projects in several mainland and international markets, including Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic. VRM Companies is an active member of the National Association of Home Builders and the Florida Atlantic Building Association, and as a recognized leader in the industry it has received numerous accolades, including being named "Builder of the Decade" by the National Association of Home Builders' PR Chapter in 2011. In addition, for the past 3 decades, according to the Caribbean Business' "Book of Lists", VRM Companies has been among the top Caribbean construction and development companies.

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