Walgreens i San Juan

Puerto RicoWalgreens



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1130, Avenida Doctor Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-7895
internet side: www.walgreens.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4559259, Longitude: -66.0719309

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brittany Allen


    Huge selection. Definitely the biggest Walgreens I've ever seen

  • Kevin Rands

    Kevin Rands


    Incompetent pharmacy staff. Typical for PR - slower by at least 5x than any other pharmacy on earth. But also too lazy to pick up the phone and call my doctor to clarify the prescription. As a result they told me they wouldn’t fill it fully and I go to bed in pain tonight. They couldn’t read his handwriting so “oh well”. All they had to do was pick up the phone. Took them an Hour 1/2 to hand me a pre-packaged box of pills (Tamiflu) with no pain killers.

  • Danixa Rivera-Merced

    Danixa Rivera-Merced


    Excelente servicio y variedad. Abierto las 24 horas con los productos que se necesitan y servicio rápido. Estacionamiento amplio con seguridad. A pesar de ser área turística, los precios son accesibles para todos.

  • en

    Ken Unk


    Who goes to Walgreens at 1am?? This guy! This place was like a mini Walmart. I'm glad I went in. The cashier was nice and helpful. Very impressed

  • en

    Tamera Blankenship


    You can get just about anything you need here. Store is clean and well organized. Employees are pleasant and helpful.

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