Acacia Boutique Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoAcacia Boutique Hotel



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8, Calle Taft, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-0668
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.453677, Longitude: -66.060185

kommentar 5

  • N. S.

    N. S.


    My husband and I stayed here for 5 days. This was definitely a great location and it surely has wonderful rooms. The front desk employees were very friendly. One of my complaints were about the showers. I was so happy to come home to my own shower, I feel like I did not have a good shower during my stay there at all, especially after spending the day at the beach. The water went from boiling hot to freezing cold, there was no in between and the water pressure was terrible, which made showering very difficult. Overall this was a negative to our trip. Another downside - it’s a hotel and they have no drinking water/water fountains or anything. Lastly, during the final day there (while I was getting dressed) the handyman started unlocking the door. No knocks or anything. He just unlocked the door and came right in. Luckily I ran to the bathroom on time. When my husband asked him what he was doing he said he needed to clean the ceiling fans. First of all, he should have knocked and second of all why was this such a priority that he had to barge into an occupied hotel room? This was a nightmare of an experience. There was no privacy or professionalism noted in this incident. Honestly, it was okay, I probably wouldn’t go there again personally.

  • en

    Josh Williams


    My husband and I stayed here for five days a few years ago, absolutely loved it. The building is adorable, the restaurant on the first floor is amazing, and it’s in a quite place just outside of San Juan walking distance to the stores and restaurants. If we go back to Puerto Rico I would no doubt want to stay here again.

  • en

    Larry Glinzman


    Beautiful remodeled small hotel half a block from a clean wide beach. Gigantic hot water spa outside our door. Lots of great shops and restaurants within short walk. Only thing missing is a decent shower head.

  • Stéphane Dorais

    Stéphane Dorais


    Nous avions une chambre de luxe. L'endroit est propre et le personnel vraiment aimable. Cependant, la porte fenêtre menant au balcon était craquée. Des rénovations seraient nécessaires. Il n'y avait pas de chaises sur le balcon. L'hôtel est très bien situé, à quelques mètres de la plage. Proximité avec plusieurs petits cafés et restaurants vraiment bien.

  • Scott Pawlowski

    Scott Pawlowski


    Very close to the beach. All the rooms have balconies which is awesome. The pool is more of a large hot tub but very nice even on a hot day. The roof deck was closed while visiting which could be nice to lay out. The restaurant niche is very expensive ($9 for 2 6oz coffees) but love the ambiance. Great food options nearby walking and the rooms are small but functional. Terracotta is beautiful on the floors and roof. Would come back but don't expect a resort feel. Only about 10 rooms or so

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