Antigua Casa Alcaldía de Bayamón i Bayamón

Puerto RicoAntigua Casa Alcaldía de Bayamón


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Calle Degetau, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.398364, Longitude: -66.1555146

kommentar 1

  • Ricardo David Jusino Rosario

    Ricardo David Jusino Rosario


    Today is the Oller Museum but in the past it was the mayor of Bayamón. For the years from 1972 to 1976 the new facilities were built on highway number two. The new mayor's office became the first building on a highway in the country. Although its construction was under mayor Borrero, it was Mayor Ramón Luis Rivera who inaugurated it. At this moment, his son Ramón Luis Rivera Cruz occupies him. Between the father and the son, they have been in charge of the mayor's office for over forty years. It is a dynasty among them approved by their fanatical followers. But, going back to what was in the past the mayor's office, it should be noted that in the period from 1968 to 1972, the PNP mayor was a certain Guillo Campos. This was indicated by two events which gave much to talk about. The country's press reported that the mayor, despite being married, maintained a love affair with a secretary of the municipality, a scandal that shook the country. The other madness that this man did was to change the tradition of colors to "Santa Claus, wearing it in BLUE and exhibiting it at the top of the mayor's office." In the same way, he managed to change the uniform of the Bayamón Cowboys in Superior basketball. It was Red and White ... he changed it to BLUE AND WHITE ... everything was thrown into politics ... If anyone doubts my words, let's go to the history and the historical archives of Puerto Rico.

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