Museo Francisco Manuel Oller y Cestero i Bayamón

Puerto RicoMuseo Francisco Manuel Oller y Cestero



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Calle Degetau, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-780-5411
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Latitude: 18.3982398, Longitude: -66.1555555

kommentar 5

  • Charles Farrugia

    Charles Farrugia


    Wonderful place to visit.

  • Charlie Farrugia

    Charlie Farrugia


    Its very beautiful place to visit People come there and do art. Its an awsome place to visit.

  • Eduardo Marrero

    Eduardo Marrero


    Nice place for art enthusiasts

  • Japhet Ortiz

    Japhet Ortiz


    great museum great place to admire in the heart of Bayamon City

  • Martin Keegan

    Martin Keegan


    An elegantly presented museum of an historically important Puerto Rican painter. Worth a visit if you are in the area - all the text is in Spanish but you can use Google Translate camera and the staff are tourist friendly and speak English. Set in a well maintained and air conditioned building with elevator access and restrooms. Access is FREE they just ask for your name and email address but won’t send you spam. No café in the museum but you can visit the charming Café 2150 at the intersection between Calle Maceo and Calle Barbosa only 100m away.

nærmeste Museum

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