Auto-Lux Condado i San Juan

Puerto RicoAuto-Lux Condado



🕗 åbningstider

1467-1475, Avenida Wilson, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-242-2313
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4524161, Longitude: -66.0640841

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Anton

    Daniel Anton


    The reviews on here are very old and almost deterred me from going here. Took our brand new Tesla Model S and they did a fantastic job and were meticulous in ensuring the outside was spotless. Highly recommend.

  • jgmolinari



    Better stay there. Was first in line. Went to get coffee, when I got back an hour later was fourth in line. Car untouched. Money missing. Stay and WATCH... or better yet go down the street. Tried to call, phone not answered

  • isabel gorbea

    isabel gorbea


    Back door not opened for cleaning. Employee resistant to provide service and not willing to share his name . Company telephone not working.

  • Haus OG

    Haus OG


    Terrible service, I paid $ 40 to have my car dirty. I had to go back because neither a vacuum cleaner nor a washcloth had passed him. A lack of respect for the unprofessionalism of this place. Oh and charge extra because they will get a bit of tar out of you when in other places they do it like nothing and for a fraction of the cost. They should close this fiasco.

  • John Jiang

    John Jiang


    They did a great job

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