Auto Shine Car Wash i San Juan

Puerto RicoAuto Shine Car Wash



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1954, Avenida McLeary, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-218-1445
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4521721, Longitude: -66.055098

kommentar 5

  • Ayana Washington

    Ayana Washington


    We have been coming to this car wash since we first started coming to PR over a year ago and we have been pretty satisfied with the service. However today we took our rental car in and we were charged $45 which I said was outrageous and I knew the owner was over charging us. He claimed the car was full of sand, but no more than it has had before. My husband said we are already here and let them go ahead and clean the car, I however did not want to , but went along because of being pressed for time. The job was done mediocre and definitely not worth what was charged. I went inside and told the owner we would not be coming back and that he just lost a customer. He then looked me up and down and said "go then" I was appalled. I guess he felt that we were just tourists and don't matter to him, but we recently moved here, and would have been lifetime customers had he tried to make it right. He will lose a lot of business not caring about customers.

  • doug abell

    doug abell


    Just needed to get the sand out of the rental car

  • Lesly Chacón

    Lesly Chacón


    Good costumer service. :)

  • Jose Alberto Lara Gonzalez

    Jose Alberto Lara Gonzalez


    12:30 pm, they said 40 min for a car wash. Enough to have lunch next door. Came back a bit after 1 hour and they were just getting started. 2 hours later, still waiting. Left at 2:45pm. Not coming back to spend another $30 for this car wash.

  • Tony Montana

    Tony Montana


    STOLE MY APPLE iWATCH AND CHANEL COLOGNE!!!! I went to get my rental car cleaned I specifically asked the guys to only vacuum and clean out doors and to not touch and baggage or middle console. As I walked next door to a phenomenal bakery they proceeded to doing what I asked them not to do both emphasized in Spanglish and English. When I got back to my car my Apple I watch and Chanel cologne was stolen I asked manager right away where’s my belongings and all he could say was whatever was in there is in there!! DON NOT GET YOUR CAR WATSHED BY THESE GUYS UNLESS U WANT STUFF STOLEN OR MAKE SURE YOU TAKE ALL ALL ALL VALUABLES WITH YOU PRIOR TO DROPPING OFF!!!!

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