The Wash Auto Detailing i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Wash Auto Detailing



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214, Calle Profesor Ernesto Vigoreaux, 00915, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-299-6954
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4468665, Longitude: -66.0507448

kommentar 5

  • Diego Guerrero Calo

    Diego Guerrero Calo


    They provide good service from the moment the car arrives to the moment it leaves the establishment. I brought in my car to be washed after months not been clean. When they finished the car looked brand new like it recently came out of the dealership. I am very happey for their services.

  • Rommel Guerrero

    Rommel Guerrero


    For all your car needs. The Wash has everything. For washing to your car mechanical needs!!!

  • Diego Guerrero

    Diego Guerrero


    Best services and good prices very personalized service

  • Marquettat Matthews.

    Marquettat Matthews.


    They did a wonderful job detailing our rental car!

  • Lloyd Metz

    Lloyd Metz


    “The Wash Auto Detailing” was very professional, courteous, and excellent at cleaning/detailing my vehicle. I was in a weird time situation and they were very accommodating and nice. I don’t speak the best Spanish but they spoke great English and didn’t make sc

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