Berríos (Mueblerías Berríos) i Bayamón

Puerto RicoBerríos (Mueblerías Berríos)



🕗 Ã¥bningstider

Carr Volcan, 00956, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-620-5783
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4087085, Longitude: -66.1913833

kommentar 5

  • Stacie



    A little pricey. But the staff is always very helpful, especially Felix in Carolina and Oswald in Bayamon. Delivery and installation is very good.

  • María E Paniagua

    María E Paniagua


    Found what I was looking for in this store... but had to call to find out at least to have an idea when or what time approximately they will deliver. After I express myself, then they acted and in approx 20 minutes delivery arrived... Its not fair that M Berrios tells you they will deliver TODAY... no, they must have an idea .. their route .. etc.. dont give me that .......

  • Mayra Perez

    Mayra Perez


    Social distancing a must. The furniture is BEAUTIFUL. The store is well organized, our associate was Millie, Super nice and attentive. I recommend it!!!

  • Sonia Ortiz

    Sonia Ortiz


    You will find Beautiful n Great Quality Furniture for Big Spaces, I was somewhat Dissapointed not finding a small round (60 inch) dining set... I grew up knowing "Berrios" to be the commun home furniture store... Now with "Ahley" n "Signature", everything is more Classy and higher prices unfortunately...

  • Elsa Morales

    Elsa Morales


    Hi, I am very upset with the store. There CS really needs major improvement. I purchased a bedroom set in July. One of the night stands came defective. I immediately sent pictures and requested to have it replaced. I have tried numerous time to contact the store and their customer service by phone( which no one answers) and email (which no one response either). I have not gotten a response as to the status of my replacement. Its a shame that they don't have a sense as to what it is to serve a customer,

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