IKEA i Bayamón

Puerto RicoIKEA



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Carretera Nº2, Km 13.8, Hato Tejas, Bayamón, 00961, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-750-4532
internet side: www.ikea.pr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.40533, Longitude: -66.179296

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ricardo Del Rosario


    Is not like an IKEA in USA. U can't buy and leave with the merchandise. Is a very, very small showroom. Hope one day they move to a real IKEA store.

  • adam garcia

    adam garcia


    The location is well stocked. Employees are similar to many employees (not extremely helpful unless you pull for their attention). We purchased some stools prior to Hurricane Maria and I decided to not use them. I couldn't return them before 90 days because of the Hurricane Maria aftermath. I called to see if IKEA had any concessions for not returning items on time due to this situation and the answer was NO the four times I asked the phone rep. That's really unfortunate that this company has nothing in place for this major event and situation.

  • Victoria De Jesus

    Victoria De Jesus


    Ikea is a great furniture store with cheap prices and wide variety of designs. But this store only has a few things in display, which forces you to buy things from the catalog in the computers inside the store. Save yourself the trip and order directly through the Ikea website, odds are you'll end up ordering through the website inside the store.

  • Sherry Trujillo Boyer

    Sherry Trujillo Boyer


    Ikea PR is operated differently than in the states. The locations are more of a smaller showroom without the warehouse portion. You can browse some of the newer items in the showroom which is about the size of a shoe store rather than the behemoth warehouse/showrooms I'd been frequenting stateside. There are several kiosks where you can place your order, and several associates to assist with your order. Once you've placed your order, you will be notified when it's available for pick-up which can be anywhere from 2 to 5 days depending on the item's availability. You can also order online. Be sure you are on the Puerto Rican Ikea website. NOTE: Not all items in the Ikea catalogue are available in PR. Please check the Ikea PR website for all items.

  • Relja Petrovic

    Relja Petrovic


    Terrible experience with Ikea in the end. First waited 3 months for delivery. Measurements were wrong so I needed to re-do things. Delivery guys stored places near window where water damaged pieces. Installation guys didn’t know they can directly wire devices and almost left it unninstalled, until I explained it to them. The worst part - I didn’t get missing pieces of the kitchen for more than a year. Customer service is TERRIBLE. In the store they acknowledged but didn’t help me. I’m in the store again, waiting for people to help me, and writing this review under a lot of stress. Highly NOT recommended

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